Jana Repková graduated from the University of Health and Social Work in St. Elizabeth in Bratislava. She completed an internship, for example, in the Magdaléna therapeutic community in Mníšek pod Brdy or in the psychiatric hospital in Dobřany. She has completed full training in crisis intervention and is now participating in comprehensive training in group psychoanalytic psychotherapy. She currently works at the Center for Drug Prevention and Therapy as the head of the program for persons in conflict with the law and also works there as a field worker. She is a member of the Professional Union of Social Workers in Social Services.
Projekt „Systémové zajištění péče pro vězněné uživatele drog a její následná kontinuita po propuštění“ je finančně podpořen finančním mechanismem Norské fondy 2014–2021 v Programu Spravedlnost. Projekt je realizován v partnerství s organizacemi Centrum protidrogové prevence a terapie, o.p.s., KOTEC, o.p.s., Laxus z.ú., Magdalena, o.p.s., SANANIM z.ú., Společnost Podané ruce o.p.s.